
In order for the B/Ls to be freestanding, some duplication occurs over the set. They will be updated or modified from time to time, and the new date will indicate this. New information sheets may be added.

These Briefing Leaflets can be read online, downloaded for own use, or to support talks on BI in non-commercial events. Please acknowledge the source, if quoting from them. Do not alter the text.

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B/L1. The Generic Basic Income: an Introduction.
What sort of society do we want to create for ourselves and future generations? Justification for a basic income. What is a basic income? What broad objectives can a basic income help to fulfill?
B/L2. Basic Income or National Income plus means-tested safety net?
A systematic analysis of flaws in the UK’s current National Insurance and means-tested Social Assistance safety net.
relates the main features of income maintenance systems to outcomes, criticisms and their counter-vailing arguments.
expands columns 4 and 5 from TABLE 1, indicating the inter-relationship of the defining characteristics of the generic BI with their broad objectives. They are not one-to-one. In other words, one cannot reverse one of the defining characteristics and expect it to influence only one outcome.
B/L7. Basic Income Pilot Projects.
This leaflet covers the main purposes and limitations of basic income pilot schemes. It explores some of the work involved in the important planning phase. It briefly summarises the experiences of Dauphin, Canada 1974-79; Namibia 2008-09; and the situations in Finland 2017-18 and in Scotland.

NOTE: The Welfare State in the UK comprises the public welfare services, such as the NHS, education and social housing, together with the Social Security system, which itself comprises a contributory National Insurance system and a means-tested Social Assistance safety-net.

A BI is a reform of, or part replacement for, the Social Security system only. A BI is not, cannot be, nor should be claimed as, a replacement for the UK public welfare services. Nor could the public welfare services replace the social security system. Each has a role to play and the systems are complementary to each other.

The universal NHS in the UK is needs-based and free at the point of use. Insurance-based private health services tend to be expensive, inefficient, and do not cover every one. They tend to specialise in acute illnesses, rather than being geared to chronic conditions.